Praises and awards
Praises and Awards
- Banca Intesa Beograd received the VIRTUS main award for the philanthropic contribution at the national level for the overall support of the community realized through numerous philanthropy initiatives and projects in 2018, with a special focus on women financial and social empowerment project "Risk? It is a women's business" and volunteering program “Intesa from the heart”.
- Banca Intesa Belgrade received national recognition for being one of the most gender sensitive companies in the Serbian market in 2018. The Bank is awarded for implementation of family friendly policies, which included the introduction of flexible working practice, then a large number of women employees in the Bank and in management positions, as well as for initiatives aimed at supporting women entrepreneurs. The selection for the most gender - sensitive company is part of the „Equal Value Chain“ project launched by the Gender Equality Coordination Body and the Association of Business Women of Serbia.
- The “VIRTUS” award for corporate philanthropy in the category of corporate volunteering established by Trag foundation in cooperation with European Union and Charles Stewart Mott Foundation.
- Corporate volunteering award 2017 established by Responsible business Forum, in the category Innovative skill based volunteering.
- Special recognition of the Serbian National Paralympic Committee for our contribution to the development and popularization of paralympic sport in our country
- Recognition of the Forum for Responsible Business Conduct for successful completion of the process of indexing at the first national list of companies that operate in compliance with high CSR standards
- Recognition of the Forum for Responsible Business Conduct for contribution achieved by implementation of the international GRI methodology in the process of annual reporting on sustainability
- Award for the contribution to local community, presented by non-profit and non-government association My Serbia, together with Belgrade Chamber of Commerce and the City of Belgrade
- Award of the Forum for responsibly business conduct and Smart Kolektiv for the best corporate volunteering programme in Serbia in 2015 – “Intesa from the heart”
- Recognition of the Serbian Association of Economic Marketing Experts for the “Intesa from the heart” campaign for the corporate volunteering programme in the category of the most socially responsible companies in Serbia, realized in the profit sector in 2015
- Award of the Forum for responsibly business conduct for the contribution to the development of non-financial reporting in Serbia and adoption of internationally recognized methodology for reporting on sustainability in line with the GRI standards
- “Planet Business“ award from the magazines Ekonometar and Magazin Biznis to Draginja Đurić, the President of Banca Intesa Executive Board, for successful management of a bank with the largest investment in local communities and social development in 2014
- “Planet Business“ award from the magazines Ekonometar and Magazin Biznis to Draginja Đurić, the President of Banca Intesa Executive Board, for successful management of a bank with the largest investment in local communities and social development in 2013
- The “VIRTUS” award for corporate philanthropy in the category of corporate volunteering, presented by the “Trag” Foundation, with financial support from the European Union, the Balkan Trust for Democracy and the Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction Unit (SIPRU) of the Serbian government
- High distinction of the Serbian Orthodox Church – the Order of Empress Milica, St. Eugenia, for selfless help to the Monastery Studenica, good deeds and love for the Church, awarded to Draginja Đurić, the President of Banca Intesa Executive Board