’’SCALA’’ savings in RSD from 7 to 20 %
With the aim of stimulating continuous saving in RSD, Banca Intesa introduced a new saving product named ‘’SCALA’’ enabling savers to reach interest amounting to 20% at the end of twelve-month-term period along with monthly increase of the initial investments. In this manner, citizens may save in accordance with their current financial possibilities, increasing investment and interest rate by new payments, with possibility to withdraw money at any moment. Special availability is that the increase of savings is possible also by transferring funds through standing order from all types of RSD and foreign currency accounts for the fixed amount, and savers are not obliged to come to the Bank to effect new payment. Deposit for ‘’SKALA’’ savings can be placed by all natural persons having identity card, regardless whether they are residents or not, who open dinar account in any of 220 branches of Banca Intesa and deposit minimum initial investment amounting to RSD 5.000,00 for clients having Intesa Hit current account, respectively, RSD 10.000 for other citizens.
As Mr. Dejan Tešić, a member of the Executive Board of Banca Intesa, said and also bearing in mind strong diner during this year, as well as considerably higher interest rates, savings in domestic currency is more profitable considering the present market conditions. For instance, if someone terms deposit amounting to EUR 1250, after the terming period of six months, the calculated interest amounts EUR 25, 67, and if RSD 100.000 (what is RSD counter value of the stated euro amount) is invested for the same period, the calculated net interest amounts RSD 6, 066.
Initial interest rate for the first month of SCALA savings amounts 7%, and with each new monthly payment, in the minimum amount of RSD 2.000 for clients having Intesa Hit current account, respectively RSD 5.000 for other citizens, interest rate will be increased for one percentage point, respectively, it moves to another level with more attractive interest. The saving deposit owner is not obliged to effect new payment, which practically means that if a new payment is not made in a month, interest will be calculated according to the rate valid for the level achieved after the latest payment. If there is no new payments during the whole twelve-month-term-period, interest will be calculated according to the rate amounting to 7 %, which was effective for the initial investment.
Banca Intesa is, even in terms of level of saving, leading on the domestic market with total investments in the amount of EUR 868 million and market share of almost 15%. In relation to the end of 2007, deposits are increased for almost EUR 100 million, respectively, 12%.