• No Suggestion

Banca Intesa supports central bank recommendations

Respecting the National Bank of Serbia’s (NBS) efforts to help citizens service their loan obligations in the coming period and ease their financial position, Banca Intesa is fully supporting both NBS recommendations. In line with this commitment, the bank will take all necessary measures in order to start applying the recommendations in an adequate manner as of August 1, 2013.

Observing the recommendations, the bank will enable the users of CSH-indexed housing loans to repay the loans at the EUR-CHF exchange rate valid on the loan approval date and reduced by maximum 8%, over at least three years, or until the final loan repayment term if the term is shorter than three years. The difference between the instalment amount at the current CHF exchange rate and the amount calculated at the recommended exchange rate will be carried forward in bank books as a deferred receivable indexed to the CHF at the current exchange rate. No interest will be calculated on receivables deferred.

Following a detailed analysis of loan contract taking into consideration the specifics of each individual case, the bank will contact the clients to provide them with offers of adapted repayment conditions as well as a plan for the further settlement of their financial obligations.

In this way, Banca Intesa is seeking to facilitate loan repayment for citizens as well as provide contribution for the central bank’s efforts to preserve the stability of the financial system.
