Liquidity and working assets loans with subsidized interest shall be granted by Banca Intesa in RSD orin the form of loans with a currency clause in the maximum amount of RSD 30 mil. in case of entrepreneurs and small enterprises, i.e. up to RSD 200 mil. in case of medium privately-owned enterprises. The loans shall be granted with a repayment period of up to 18 months and a 5-month grace period during which the loan user shall repay the interest only. The nominal interest rate in case of the RSD loan model shall be equal to the amount of the reference interest rate of the National Bank of Serbia for RSD loans, whereas, in case of loans with a currency clause, it shall amount to 3.5 per cent per annum. The subsidized liquidity and working assets loans shall also be available to the entities using the loans granted under the last year's subsidized loan program, regardless whether the previous loan has been repaid.