• No Suggestion

“Empowernet“– Synergy of the Financial and Civil Sector

By signing a memorandum of understanding between Banca Intesa Beograd and the European network of non-governmental organisations, Euclid Network, the cooperation between the financial and non-profit sector was made official on the “Empowernet” platform for the first time in Serbia, following the example of many Western European Countries. At the cocktail organized on this occasion for the representatives of non-governmental organizations it was emphasized that the aim of the cooperation is the strengthening of the synergy and the connection of the Serbian civil sector to this sector and the EU countries, education and the examination of new directions of civil society development in the process of European integrations, but also financial sustainability based on international cooperation and the exchange of experiences.

In the first phase of cooperation the expert team consisting of the representatives of Banca Intesa and Euclid Network will in the next six months visit civil society organizations in all bigger cities of Serbia in order to become acquainted with the needs and challenges they encounter in everyday work. After a detailed analysis of the situation, the project initiators will develop a strategy of the financial sustainability model for the non-profit sector on the basis of obtained data.
