Payment of bills now enabled also by phone
In order to additionally improve service quality, Banca Intesa introduced a new service which enables the clients to effect transactions, pay bills, buy and sell foreign currencies and check the balance of account and credit cards by phone.
Procedure for the utilization of phone banking service is simple, it takes only a few minutes, and includes only one call to the Bank’s Call centre, during which a client will get precise instructions for effecting of the necessary service.
Presently the following services can be performed by phone:
- payment of previously registered monthly bills
- purchase and sale of foreign currencies
- transfer of funds and settlement of liabilities for credit cards
- check of the balance of account and credit cards
Upon registering his/her telephone number in the Bank, the client only needs the PIN (personal identification number) that might be obtained on the occasion of signing up to the Bank on-line service in any of the branches. The procedure of paying bills by phone consists of several steps: upon calling Call centre and choosing the button no. 1, the user enters his/her PIN and chooses button 0 in order to perform the transaction and afterwards informs the Bank’s agent about the bill he/she wants to pay. Banca Intesa phone banking services are available by calling the contact centre on the phone number: 3108888
In order to stimulate citizens to become aware of advantages offered by phone banking, Banca Intesa provided phones which will be given as a gift to the first 450 clients that will pay by phone at least one bill.