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Improved Offer of Investment Loans for Entrepreneurs

The demand of entrepreneurs for investment loans is 15 percent higher in the first quarter of 2010 compared to the same period last year, which points to a gradual normalization of market conditions. Following the market trends and being responsive to client needs, Banca Intesa has introduced new models and has improved its current offer of investment loans. The Bank has lowered interest rates for loans from its own portfolio, signed the contract with the European Fund for Southeast Europe (EFSE) and in this way has provided new sources of financing, but has also continued with its active participation in the subsidized loans state programme.

Investment loans of Banca Intesa are intended for development and investment projects financing or the refinancing of other loans or obligations and the procurement of durable working assets. Also, in this way it is possible to finance the purchase or refurbishment of business premises, equipment procurement, expanding of capacities, as well as securing the fixed assets or durable working assets. Depending on the model and purpose, investment loans are approved in the amount of up to 500,000 euros, with the term of repayment of up to 10 years and the effective interest rate of 5.24 percent.

Banca Intesa was given confidence by around 80,000 clients from the small and medium enterprises and small business segment, to whom throughout 2009 1.1 billion euros was placed, out of which 225 million euros was with subsidized interest rates. The Bank has continued to support this strategically significant segment of the economy in this year as well, with a total sum of around 200 million euros realized in the first four months of 2010.
