On the occasion of the World Savings Day, Banca Intesa Beograd participated in several actions:
• supported the action of the Governor of the NBS and introduced increased interests on time savings deposited in the period from November 1st to 7th 2004;
• gave 100 savings books with deposits amounting to 5 900,00 dinars, to neglected children from the child-care centre in Zvečanska street;
• Introduced a new cash loan up to 100 000 euro, which is granted on the basis of restricted foreign currency public saving bonds as a collateral security.
1) Banca Intesa Beograd supported the proposal and joined the action of the Governer of NBS, stated through an amendment of the Decision on terms and conditions of providing liquidity of the foreign currency deposits payment of retail clients with the banks. Therefore on the occasion of the Savings Say, and wishing to stimulate savings in the retail sector, Banca Intesa Beograd increased interest rates for all time savings in foreign currency deposited for more than 3 months in the period of November 1st to 7th 2004.
The interest rates for time savings in foreign currency are increased:
on 3 months for 1%,
on 6 months for 1,5%,
and on 12, 24 and 36 months for 2.0% ,
for the period of November 1st-7th 2004.
Increased interests are applied in the mentioned period on all foreign currencies that may be deposited as time savings in foreign currency, and effects of increased retail foreign currency savings are expected.
2) Banca Intesa Beograd is continuously helping young people and on the occasion of the Savings Day, a new action was organized to help and make young people familiar with saving. This time Banca Intesa Beograd paid special attention to people and future clients that cannot live with their parents because of various reasons. Concerning that fact, the Bank provided a gift – savings books with dinar at sight saving funds in the amount of 5.900,00 dinars, for one hundred neglected young people in the age from 15-25, from the child-care centre in Zvečanska street.