Detailed information on filing a complaint
Detailed information on filing a complaint
We believe that open communication, respecting clients’ opinion and mutual trust are the key values in business, which have to be continuously nurtured and developed.
Customer care is one of the most important business values of our Bank. A few years ago, we started a project “We are 100% listening” aiming to better understand your needs and wishes.
Hearing what you have to say about our products and services gives us the opportunity to continually improve quality, as well as to better know and understand your needs in order to find the best possible way to fulfil them. Our goal is to work together with you on creating even better conditions for long-term partnership, which certainly includes handling your complaints.
Right to file a complaint
If you consider your rights and interest have been violation while doing business with the Bank and/or that the bank fails to comply with regulations, general terms and conditions or good business practices regarding services or obligations under the contract concluded with you - please to resolve the dispute by directly contacting responsible person of the Bank or by calling the Contact Centre. Many disputes can quickly and easily be resolved in that way. If you opted to directly contact the bank, but you are not satisfied with the answer regarding your problem, you have the right to send a written complaint to the Bank.
Channels to file a complaint
Please make sure to note that you are filing a complaint and file it using any of the following channels:
- By completing a contact form, HERE
- By an e-mail sent to:
- Via digital banking applications for individuals: Banca Intesa Mobi and Banca Intesa electronic banking
- Via applications for mobile and electronic banking for legal entities: BizMobi and BizOnline
- By a mail sent to the following address: Banca Intesa AD Beograd, Customer Satisfaction and Complaints Office, Ul. Milentija Popovića 7b,11070 Novi Beograd
- In the closest branch
The complaint should contain information on the basis of which the relationship with the Bank can be unambiguously determined (e.g. loan account number, payment account number, last 4 digits from the payment card, etc.), as well as the reasons for submitting the complaint.
Deadlines for filing a complaint
If you address a complaint as a client, physical entity, entrepreneur or farmer, we inform you that the deadline for submitting a written complaint to the Bank is 3 (three) years from the date when the violation of your right or legal interest was committed. In terms of the right to file a complaint, the client is also considered to be the securities provider of Bank's claims against the client, a physical entity, entrepreneur and farmer.
If you address the complaint in the capacity of a legal entity, the deadline for submitting the complaint is:
- 3 (three) years from the day when the violation of the client's right or legal interest was committed, if the client, legal entity, addresses as a payment service user or electronic money holder
- 60 (sixty) days from the day when the client learned that his right or legal interest has been violated, or within 3 (three) years from the day when his right or legal interest was violated, if the client addresses as a user of the Bank's services on the basis of credit agreements, deposit agreements, safe deposit agreements and agreements related to foreign exchange, foreign exchange and foreign exchange transactions, agreements on issuing guarantees, sureties and other forms of collateral (guarantee business), as well as other services the bank provides in accordance with the law.
Complaint handling
Submission and processing of complaints is free of charge. We will examine your complaint in detail and provide you with a clear and understandable answer within the legal deadline of 15 days from the date of receipt. We submit the answer in writing by mail or in electronic form by e-mail. Also, the answer can be submitted in the form of a copy of a printed electronic document, after which you can request delivery in electronic form or delivery of a certified copy of that electronic document.
If the Bank, for reasons beyond its control, is unable to submit a response within 15 days, this period may be extended by a maximum of 15 days, of which the Bank will notify you in writing, explaining the reasons why it is not possible to submit response within the original 15-day period, as well as information on the deadline when the response will be submitted.
In case you are not satisfied with the response received, please let us know, in order to give us an opportunity to consider your additional arguments.
Right to object
If you are dissatisfied with the answer to the complaint or the answer is not delivered to you within the legal deadline, and if you have addressed the Bank as a physical entitiy, farmer, entrepreneur or legal entity as a payment service user or electronic money holder, you have the opportunity, before initiating a litigation, to submit to the National Bank of Serbia (NBS) - Protection of Financial Services Users Department:
- Objection
- Proposal for mediation
The deadline for filing an objection by a physical entity, entrepreneur, farmer and legal entity as a payment service user or electronic money holder is six (6) months from the date of receipt of the Bank's response to the complaint or from the expiration of the deadline for submission of that response.
In support of your objection it is necessary for you to provide to NBS the original complaint sent to the bank, the reply received from the bank in that regard, as well as any supporting documents which may be used to review the facts of the complaint.
Complaints are sent to the following addresses:
- Narodna Banka Srbije, Sektor za zaštitu korisnika finansijskih usluga, Nemanjina 17, 11000 Beograd or
- Poštanski fah 712,11000 Beograd or
- Through the website of the National Bank of Serbia –
Mediation procedure
As for the mediation procedure, it is necessary to note that the procedure is voluntary (requires consent of both parties), confidential and urgent. Mediation procedure before National Bank of Serbia is not charged, provided that any costs which may arise from the procedure are borne by the parties themselves. The mediation procedure may be initiated upon receipt of the Bank's response to the complaint, i.e. the expiration of the deadline for its submission, during or after the objection procedure sent to the National Bank of Serbia. Mediation procedure before NBS is carried out by employees of NBS with appropriate mediation licenses and listed as mediators. Mediation procedure may result in agreement between the parties, termination of proceedings or withdrawal of complaint.
More detailed information regarding the possibilities of filing complaints and objections, i.e. submitting requests for mediation, can be found in the relevant Decisions of the NBS on the website in the part dedicated to regulations in the field of customer protection.