The Member get Member campaign (hereinafter: the Campaign) is organized by Banca Intes a. d. Belgrade, Milentija Popovića 7b (hereinafter: the Bank) and presents a campaign in which users of the IN payment account, with which they also use the Visa Inspire debit payment card (hereinafter: the User), invite their friends and other acquaintances, who are interested and meet the conditions for them to become users of the Bank's IN payment account.
The "Member get Member" campaign (hereinafter: the Campaign) lasts from October 14, 2024 to December 31, 2024, and during that period the User can recommend a maximum of 5 persons who are interested and meet the conditions for opening an IN payment account - unemployed persons aged 16 to 27 - more details about the conditions for opening an IN payment account at: html.
If the User enters more than 5 recommendations, the Bank will pay benefits for the first 5 recommended clients who successfully implement the service - open an IN payment account and activate a Visa Inspire debit payment card. In the event that the Bank receives a recommendation for one person from several Users, the first recommendation entered is considered a successful recommendation.
A recommendation can be made by a User whose IN payment account has an active status, who has downloaded and activated his Visa Inspire debit payment card, as well as a User whose IN payment account has an active status but the User has not yet downloaded and activated a Visa Inspire debit payment card. The User's IN payment account must be active until the benefits are paid, i.e. if the User closes the IN payment account or requests a change of account class, he loses the right to benefit payment.
A user who fulfills all the above conditions and wants to participate in the Campaign, enters his data on the Bank's website via the contact form created for the purposes of this Campaign:
Name and surname;
Telephone number;
Email address i
data of a potential client who is interested and recommends him for an IN payment account:
Name and surname;
Telephone number;
Email address;
After successful data entry, the User and potential client receive a unique code to their e-mail address, based on which the Bank monitors the realization of the recommendation and the payment of benefits.
Realization of recommendation and payment of benefits
The User's recommendation will be considered implemented if:
The recommendation was given by the User for the duration of the Campaign, which is defined in point 2 of this Rulebook and which meets the conditions defined in point 1 and point 4 of this Rulebook;
The referred client opened his first IN payment account, downloaded and activated the Visa Inspire debit payment card within 45 days from the date of the referral, for which he was notified by receiving a one-time code.
Payments of benefits based on the implemented recommendation in accordance with point 6 of this Rulebook are made once a month to the User and new client of the Bank, no later than the 15th of the month following the month in which the recommendation was successfully implemented, namely:
A one-time sum of 3,000 dinars (three thousand dinars) to the IN payment account of Korisinik who gave a recommendation that was successfully implemented (maximum for 5 recommendations);
A one-time amount of 2,000 dinars (two thousand dinars) to the newly opened IN payment account of a person who opened an IN payment account and activated a Visa Inspire debit payment card by recommendation.
The user cannot be paid more than one benefit based on a recommendation for the same client.
Personal data protection
The processing of data entered in the contact form for the purposes of this Campaign is carried out in accordance with the Information on the processing of personal data of the participants of the "Member get Member" Campaign (hereinafter: Information on data processing), through which the User is previously familiarized with the processing of data on persons and is obliged to familiarize the person he recommends with the processing of personal data. Information on the processing of personal data is available as a link in the contact form. The data of the User and the recommended person, entered in the contact form, can be forwarded to the Bank after the User confirms by marking a special box that he has familiarized himself with and agrees to the processing of personal data in the manner described in the Information on data processing, entered in the contact form, can be forward to the Bank after the User confirms by marking a special field that he has familiarized himself with and agrees to the processing of personal data in the manner described in the Information on Data Processing, as well as that he has also familiarized himself with the processing of the person he recommends. The recommended person will be informed by the Bank about the processing of personal data, when visiting the selected branch for the purpose of opening an account.