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New Intesa Vita loan models

Banca Intesa has expanded its selection of loan products within the line of special purpose consumer and cash loans for financing health services, Intesa Vita line. Since recently, citizen can get 3 new credit models, with which they can pay for the procedure of vision correction surgery, laser vein treatment and buy all types of orthopedic devices. Besides the aforementioned loans, the Intesa Vita program still includes the loans for financing of storing stem cells, IVF, dental services and spa and wellness treatment, which are now available to citizens at even lower interest rates.

„With the desire of incorporating CSR in all of its business segments, Banca Intesa has developed a program of special credit products under the name Intesa Vita, in order to offer citizens a quality and specialized financial support in regulating expenses of health services. With the Intesa Vita program, the Bank intends to enable the realization of some of the best long-term plans, as well as responsible and timely health care without sudden burdens to the household budget, not just to its clients but to all of the citizens under equal and most affordable credit terms when it comes to consumer and cash loans of Banca Intesa,“ said Predrag Milenovic, Head of the Small Business Segment Management Department Banca Intesa.
