Intesa Sanpaolo again in the Dow Jones indices for economic, social and environmental sustainability
Intesa Sanpaolo has retained its status as one of the most active groups in the world in terms of economic, social and environmental sustainability. For the eighth year running, the Group has been included – as the only Italian bank – in the Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Index and Dow Jones Sustainability World Index, which are among the most important global and European stock exchange indices assessing the Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) dimensions of companies.
Intesa Sanpaolo achieved an overall score of 80 out of 100, compared to an industry average of 54. The performance was particularly strong in the environmental area, with a score of 90, compared to an industry average of 55. The top result was achieved in the sections dedicated to financial stability, management of risks and business opportunities in the environmental area, environmental reporting, and financial inclusion. Within the banking industry, in 2018, 27 banks were included in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index and 10 in the Europe Index.
Since 1999, the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) have been monitoring the environmental, social, economic and governance performance of major companies on the world’s stock exchanges. The securities to be included are selected on the basis of a rigorous annual assessment conducted by RobecoSAM, a company specialising in sustainable investments. The indices use a best in class approach, including companies from 60 sectors with the highest performance in relation to numerous sustainability indicators.