Interest rates for savings amounting to 7,5%
Banca Intesa has increased interest rates for termed euro deposits even to 50%, and, therefore, presently, interest rate amounts to 7,5% on annual basis. These stimulating measures increased interests for all categories of FX savings, both in terms of the termed period and the saving amount, and, in addition, it is possible both for national and foreign natural entities to save under the stated conditions.
Particularly attractive interest rate amounting to 7,5 % was provided for all euro savings, regardless of the amount, termed by citizens for the period of 12 months or longer. Also, there is a special privilege for all citizens who term the savings under this interest rate providing them to get even bigger interest rate, for the same savings, in the course of the Saving week, in case that the saving conditions are more favourable in that period. Interest rates for the termed FX savings in Banca Intesa are approximately 3 % for savings deposition for one-month period, whereas, interest rates for savings deposited for 3 and 6 months approximately amount from 4% to 6.20%.
Banca Intesa has, also in terms of the scope of savings, among the leading ones on the local market, with total investments amounting to EUR 780 million and market share of almost 15%. It was only during the year of 2007 that the total investments in Banca Intesa have been increased for 52 %, whereas, its participation in the total FX saving increase in the country is even 16, 4%.