Ensure regular settlement of obligations in unforeseen circumstances
Regardless of whether it is a new loan or a loan that is being repaid, by taking out an insurance policy you protect yourself and the financial stability of your loved ones.
You can arrange Credit protection insurance (CPI) in a branch or through mobile and electronic banking applications* as part of the loan application process.
It is possible to contract a CPI policy both with new and loans in repayment, and the insured period is equal with the loan duration.
*Using mobile and electronic banking applications, it is only possible to ensure the repayment of new loans by contracting a Wiener Städtische osiguranje policy. Learn more at the link.
You can arrange insurance with a new, as well as an existing home loan or cash loan.
Credit protection insurance (CPI)
If you have or are implementing a loan, take advantage of the opportunity and arrange insurance in case of inability to repay.
The insurance company will pay the contracted insured sum in the event of the occurrence of the following insured risks:
- Involuntary loss of employment - the insurance covers up to 4 monthly installments of the loan per insured event, i.e. a total of up to 12 monthly installments for the duration of the contract;
- Temporary inability to work (sickness) – the insurance covers up to 4 monthly loan installments per insured case, i.e. a total of up to 12 monthly installments for the duration of the contract;
- Permanent disability of the insured that is greater than 50% as a result of an accident - the insurance covers the rest of the loan debt;
- Death as a result of an accident - insurance covers the rest of the loan debt.
- Optional - it is additionally possible to contract the risk of earnings reduction by 10% or more
If the insured event occurs, the insurance compensation is paid to the current account of the user, who can use the funds to settle the loan obligations. Insurance can be contracted by persons from 18 to 75 years of age.
Immediately upon learning of the occurrence of the insured event, it is necessary for the insurance beneficiary to notify the insurer and submit a request for payment of compensation by mail or in person to the address: GENERALI OSIGURANJE SRBIJA a.d.o., 11000 Beograd, ul. Vladimira Popovića no. 8, or by e-mail to the address: kontakt@generali.rs.
Credit protection insurance (CPI)
Credit protection insurance (CPI) is intended for all clients who are loan beneficiaries, and who wish to ensure regular payments of loan’s instalments in unforeseen circumstances. Regardless of whether it is a new loan or a loan in repayment, by contracting a credit protection insurance policy, you protect yours and the financial stability of your loved ones.
It is possible to contract a CPI policy both with new and loans in repayment, and the insured period is equal with the loan duration.
*Using mobile and electronic banking applications, it is only possible to ensure the repayment of new loans by contracting a Wiener Städtische osiguranje policy. Learn more at the link.
Package 1
- Involuntary loss of employment - the insurance covers up to 6 monthly installments of the loan per insured case, i.e. a total of up to 18 monthly installments for the duration of the contract up to 7 years, i.e. up to 36 monthly installments for the duration of the contract over 7 years;
- Temporary incapacity for work (sickness) - the insurance covers up to 6 monthly loan installments per insured case, i.e. a total of up to 18 monthly installments for the duration of the contract up to 7 years, i.e. up to 36 monthly installments for the duration of the contract over 7 years;
- Permanent disability of the insured that is greater than 50% as a result of an accident - the insurance covers the rest of the loan debt;
- Death as a result of an accident - insurance covers the rest of the loan debt.
Package 2
- Involuntary loss of employment - the insurance covers up to 6 monthly installments of the loan per insured case, i.e. a total of up to 18 monthly installments for the duration of the contract up to 7 years, i.e. up to 36 monthly installments for the duration of the contract over 7 years;
- Temporary inability to work (sickness) - the insurance covers up to 6 monthly loan installments per insured case, i.e. a total of up to 18 monthly installments for the duration of the contract up to 7 years, i.e. up to 36 monthly installments for the duration of the contract over 7 years.
It is important for you to know
If the insured event occurs, the insurance compensation is paid to the current account of the user, who can use the funds to settle the loan obligations. Insurance can be contracted by persons of 18 years of age, and the end of the insured period cannot be after the insured reaches 70 years of age.
Immediately upon of the occurrence of the insured event, it is necessary for the insurance beneficiary to notify the insurer and submit a request for payment of compensation by mail or in person to the address: GENERALI OSIGURANJE SRBIJA a.d.o., 11000 Beograd, ul. Vladimira Popovića no. 8, or by e-mail to the address: kontakt@generali.rs.
Find out in which branches you can contract an insurance policy.