Discover our loans for working capital procurement
Loans for working capital
Purchase raw and other materials, finished products and goods with a longer repayment period for your business' every day needs. We offer you following loans:
- Biz Obrt
- Biz Minus
- Revolving loan
- Biz Linija

Discover our products and services
Biz Invest
- Maximum loan repayment period
- You can realize the loan with a grace period of up to 12 months
- Loan intended primarily for investments
WB EDIF za investiciona ulaganja
- Participation up to 40%
- Repayment period from 36 to 120 months
- Total amount of approved funds is up to EUR 500,000
Loan for women in business
- Favourable loan conditions
- BizOnline and BizMobi services without a fee for the first 6 months
- Lower fees according to payment transactions
EBRD loan for young entrepreneurs
- Loans intended for young people up to 35 years old.
- No additional collateral in the form of a mortgage.
- For working capital and investments.
Documentary and guarantee transactions